I enjoy this work although it took a while to work out that I needed to put the direction of each stitch on my paper pattern so that I would always be in the right place for the next stitch. I didn't always get it right and still needed to do some 'mending' when I had finished. You can see that both directions makes a clean line instead of being stepped in one direction as happens with normal taaniko where the stitch is always done the same way.
I discovered someone who had learnt to do the taaniko stitch by twisting towards her body instead of away. It took me a while to realize that unless she was careful the rows had a tendency to not abut the previous one as is necessary. I don't think I emphasized this in my book. Twist away from your body and upwards to make a good taaniko stitch (unless of course you are trying this multidirectional taaniko stitch).