Sunday, July 27, 2014

Brown Arapaki

I have nearly finished my brown Wyandotte feather Arapaki. It's been ages since I started it but it has been on the back burner while the exhibition was on. Still one or two more rows a should finish it. The taniko came from a maori knitting book that I have adapted for my tension. 

Its not a very wide paki , only 80cm. Don't know why I did it really. The taniko. Always brings mine in but that really is a bit small. 

Friday, July 18, 2014

New beginnings

I have been to see the Principal of the school which got the most nominations in our competition. We have decided a new korowai made especially for the school would be the best bet. He wants to keep it for a surprise hence I am not letting on here which school it is just in case. But it will involve quite a bit of work as I need to design a taniko and test it out as well as weave quite a big korowai full of feathers. 

The other exciting beginning is that we are starting classes at the Otago Museum in August. The first time will be on Sunday 17th 2pm to 5 pm.  Come and have a go. If you decide you want to learn I will have beginner boxes there at $35 which will include all you need to make your first small korowai including a book. There will be no additional costs. 
The funny thing is that at the museum that weekend will be a group of zombies. So watch out. We will be on the first floor in the Tangata Whenua area. Look up the Otago museum website for more info. 

Monday, July 7, 2014

Saturday 5th July

Had a great day on Saturday with two new ladies. One had come all the way up from Tapanui. They both caught on very quickly and went home with their box to finish as much as they can by next month. 

Judy is finishing off a test piece she did for her big cloak and Elaine has started a new big one. 

When Elaine did turning rows to outline her taniko she didn't turn the very first whenu. This means it stayed a lot straighter than otherwise. A good idea. 

Lyann has spun some black alpaca hair. This is quite difficult to spin as it hasn't got the grippy hooks that wool has. However she has done enough for making a big korowai. Hopefully it won't stretch like wool because it hasn't got the give of wool. It is chunky so the korowai will have plenty of texture. Should be interesting. 

The exhibition at Koru gallery in Dunedin will stay up for another week or so thanks to Sandie our gallery owner.