I've started on a bag for a display in Balclutha next month. I'm using the finest string working out double (string from Browns Brushware). First I cut 150 strings about 100 cm long and 24 strings 140cm. Then cast on the 150 in pairs in the middle, just one after the other so there are strings on both sides of the cast on row. Next I worked with 6 longer strings laying them alongside the cast on row and weaving the cast on whenu three pairs of whenu at a time while flipping the long strings over and under the whenu groups of three. Then I did another row like that on the other side of the cast on row. These two rows were repeated. I hope the photos will show what I mean.

You can see the base shaping up. You could continue using a box like this to work on if you like. The next step will be a turning row all the way round so that a nice edge is made for the base. I'm considering adding in colored threads on the turning row so that I can do a mesh design for the bag. Hmm must go get some black cotton to do that this morning at our weaving group at Ocean View. Adding these strings in will help the bag to stay square, I hope, strange as it sounds.
Should end up with a mesh patten kind of like this.