Tuesday, March 19, 2013
I have finished the korowai for Ella. It took 35 hours and I think has turned out rather well. I do hope they like it
We had our first Tuesday group this week in Brighton. Our next meeting will be on the Saturday after Easter, April 6th at Coast Community Church Ocean View. All Welcome especially beginners.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Now we hope to start a fortnightly group at Brighton (1st and 3rd Tuesdays 9:30am-12:30pm) and a monthly meeting at Taieri Mouth (1st Sat of month 10am-4pm). All welcome. E-mail me for more info.
This is what they can do with the piece they were making
As well as this I have been continuing with my big commission of Pheasant feathers. But again it has had to go on hold as I need to get some things made to show a group of fibre artists who will visit in mid April. I have a few bags on the go which need a bit of finishing
And I have a small commission for a baby's naming ceremony korowai. This one has been fun and is coming along nicely. I only have a month to make this so am forging ahead with it.This first picture is the result of 4 days work and the second is another 5 hours later. One more row of white feathers then I am on to the taniko for the top. About 24 hours altogether so far.