Monday, November 24, 2014

Something new

I have started something new. I got bored the other day so started sorting feathers and found a bag of big peahen feathers that were languishing in the cupboard. Then it was making feather bundles till my fingers were had it. So I thought I'd better start something. By the end of the day I had it underway. 

The next afternoon I did some more. 

And yesterday afternoon some more. 

The feathers are actually quite big so my rows are further apart than usual and the bundles are further apart too along the row. 
I am listening to a story as I go so I am always keen to get weaving so I can hear more of the story even though I almost know it by heart now as I have read or listened to it so many times over the years. 

Oh I forgot to write about the day at the museum where the ladies got to see some old cloaks in storage. I didn't go down as I was teaching but the others came back astounded by the craftsmanship of the old weavers and by the fineness of their work. Thanks to the folk at the museum for showing them around.  We had a few new ladies come and they are keen to come next year so that was good. 

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