Last week I took the Wakari korowai in to show Craig at the Doc office, the Museum where the Kereru were distributed from and finally up to the school. I was pleased by the reception as it seemed to go down well. So now that is off my hands.
We have also organised to take all our little Angel korowai in to the maternity hospital and who will deal with them there. Judy finished her beautiful one this week. She does such a lot of finishing work.
Judy's angel korowai |
The whenu were getting very short at the back so she worked a lot of rows to hold them. Very beautiful.
While I was up in Timaru lady week I screwed up my courage and went to see a lovely lady at a marae up that way to see if they would like korowai classes. They were very enthusiastic so hopefully some classes will be organized for April.
And tomorrow I set off on my adventure to Napier/Hastings to take classes up there. It will be a big class but with help I hope we will cope and people will learn this interesting craft.
Yesterday I went to see Margery Blackman again about taaniko. She loaned me some samples she had made of interesting taaniko patterns taken from old cloaks in museums around the world.
You can see that although this is taaniko it is only one colour yet with texture. This is achieved by different taaniko stitches. This is my next learning project. I think I have got the hang of the last taaniko learning project. That of doing multi directional taaniko
This is the start of a pouch using this taaniko where the direction of the stitches changes depending on the direction of the slope. This means that every slope is a clean line and not staggered as is usual when doing taaniko stitch always the same direction like tapestry stitch. This patten is my adaption of a cloak in the Stockholm museum. Lots of working out required but fun to learn a new technique, well not new but very old.