Sunday, April 6, 2014

Monday at Whiri Aroha

Today I am in Auckland. We have had two weeks in Sydney visiting family and now have one week in Auckland. So today I visited my weaving home - Whiri Aroha - at the Papakura marae. It was lovely to see the old faces and meet new ones. And I always learn new things.
Lesson 1: always listen to your elders. I have been weaving the new string double as it is a lot quicker but when I saw Ma's work using it as a single whenu I was very impressed by the delicacy of it. 

I am keen to get home and do the next korowai singly too. I will try a big one and see if it is stable enough. 

Lesson 2: Don't be afraid of different colours. I really liked the blue colours Ma was doing in her taniko. Also we have always steered clear of using coloured feathers as the dye can run when moistened.  But when you dye fabric you use salt to set the dye. So when you wash the coloured feathers try using lots of salt in the water. I must give this a go as I was gifted some dyed red feathers. 

Lesson 3:
Try new things in weaving, try to improve,and meet with other weavers if you can. It was so lovely and inspiring to see what everyone was doing. 

Betty showed me how to make earrings with 7 whenu. As soon as I am home I must have a go.
 It was sad, though, to hear of ones who had passed away since I was there last. 
I really want to thank this group for their love, acceptance, teaching and inspiration. 

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