Last week I finished this black string korowai. I only had a little string and horrible stiff feathers I wanted to use up. The feathers were so bad I had to not bend them up to secure them but keep them straight and do two rows over the shafts. Because I felt they might fall out I had a very tight tension which means the whole thing was pulled in and became much shorted than I had hoped. However I hope it will be ok as a man's korowai for a skinny man. I am interested in the different ways these short korowai could be worn especially by a man. Because I had little string left I had to do a different top than I usually do. It is a sort of plait across the top crossed with a turning row. I haven't made a closure on it yet but was thinking a piece of leather would be good. I had dreamed of a shark's tooth or piece of bone but the thing isn't wide enough for that.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Friday, April 12, 2013
Marena Wedding Arapaki
Finally I have finished my white shoulder korowai. I hope this will be used as a bridal arapaki sometime. It is for sale for $850. I enjoyed working out the heart taniko design and the mawhitiwhiti heart design. The gold and silver sparkly threads in the taniko worked really well.
I am carrying on with my big cloak too and am getting up to the taniko soon so will need to work out something to suit my clients. Also have a few small things on the go. The group that was coming couldn't come in the end so I am not in such a rush and can concentrate on the big one a bit more. The middle slog has nearly finished so it's getting exciting again.
I am carrying on with my big cloak too and am getting up to the taniko soon so will need to work out something to suit my clients. Also have a few small things on the go. The group that was coming couldn't come in the end so I am not in such a rush and can concentrate on the big one a bit more. The middle slog has nearly finished so it's getting exciting again.
Monday, April 1, 2013
Next is a photo of the taniko up the right way. You can see I have designed the taniko as hearts for the wedding theme.
The mawhitiwhiti on the back will also be hearts. Again this is the first time I have done this.
I am using the dark fluffy feathers I have gathered along with black tipped white fluffs to make a bag. I have just started this and need to get the feathers out of my sister-in-law's freezer to carry on. Hopefully that will deal to any bugs that might have survived the washing process.
Having got some feathers from Feathergirl and found them only so-so, I made two small pieces to see if they will be any good for those learning to weave. And the answer is - maybe. I will see on next Saturday when I expect to see a few more new weavers at our next gathering.
A long time ago I started making a triangular piece and have decided to explore that shape. Thinking about it kept me awake - botheration. These are the starts. We'll see what happens.
Back to work.